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Kathleen Cunningham

Welcome to the
2021-2022 School Year! 
 About Mrs. Cunningham
Greetings! My name is Mrs. Cunningham and this is my 13th year teaching Language Arts at New Lexington Middle School. I am originally from Wooster, Ohio, where I grew up with my mum, dad, and two older brothers. I went to college for a degree in Middle Level Education at Mount Vernon Nazarene University and graduated in 2009. I am married to my husband, Casey, who does electrical and construction work. We have a bright and feisty son, Jackson, who will be 2 in November. We also have three ornery cats: Fritzy, Finnick, and Cinnamon Bun. I am a thrill-seeker, movie-lover, Harry Potter nerd, and bookworm! I love to travel and am constantly seeking out adventure!

As a teacher, I believe in high-engagement and activity in the classroom. We do a lot of hands-on projects, presentations, and class discussions to keep variety in the learning. I believe in students taking their education into their own hands and having a say in how they show what they know. Technology and Chromebooks are a huge component in my classroom, as well.
Professionally, I am constantly trying to expand my knowledge on the current methods and technologies to use in my classroom. I have presented at a variety of local, state, and national conferences on student ownership, collaboration, and formative assessment. I also attend professional development opportunities when I can to gain ideas and perspectives from other educators around the country. In 2013, two colleagues and I applied for and were awarded a grant through the Rural Trust's Global Teacher Fellowship to travel to Australia and study the schools there. It was an incredible, eye-opening experience that has helped shape who I am today. 

I  look forward to an incredible year of fun and learning!
Important Dates:
August 23: First Day of School! 

Contact Information:
Email: kathleen.cunningham


Phone: (740) 342-4128

I highly recommend signing up for Remind. It is an easy, effortless way to stay updated on the goings-on in the classroom!
To receive text reminders about 7th grade Language Arts, text @cunning7la to 81010
To receive text reminders about Advanced Language Arts, text @cunningala to 81010